There is a garden with N
slots. In each slot, there is a flower. The N
flowers will bloom one by one in N
days. In each day, there will be exactly
one flower blooming and it will be in the status of blooming since then.
Given an array flowers
consists of number from 1
to N
. Each number in the array represents the place where the flower will open in that day.
For example, flowers[i] = x
means that the unique flower that blooms at day i
will be at position x
, where i
and x
will be in the range from 1
to N
Also given an integer k
, you need to output in which day there exists two flowers in the status of blooming, and also the number of flowers between them is k
and these flowers are not blooming.
If there isn't such day, output -1.
Example 1:
Input: flowers: [1,3,2]k: 1Output: 2Explanation: In the second day, the first and the third flower have become blooming.
Example 2:
Input: flowers: [1,2,3]k: 1Output: -1
- The given array will be in the range [1, 20000].
谷歌的中频题,好好分析下。这道题的核心还是滑动窗口,不过和传统的滑动窗口不太一样,首先用一个数组days[i] = t记录第i+1个位置的花在第t天开放,就是说数字大的就是花放的时间晚,所以说除了首尾两个数字,中间的k个数字都要大于首尾两个数字即可。若在days[left]和days[right]中发现了某个数比两端小,就说明这个位置的花开得比较早,因此以该处为起点进行窗口滑动,如果到了right的位置仍然没有发现较小值,说明left和right是满足要求的,那么就把days[left]和days[right]中的较大值和结果比较取较小值即可。这道题的难点在于滑动窗口的合理使用,flowers数组的转换其实应该可以想到,滑动窗口的思想是重点。
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 int kEmptySlots(vector & flowers, int k) { 4 vector days(flowers.size()); 5 for(int i=0; i